Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Concept Map

Hey girls,

So I started the concept map using because that is something I am semi familiar with. What I have so far is located below. It is due the 22nd, so try and look at it soon!


  1. What idea could we focus on for our "big project" ?

  2. We could maybe have students talk to another class in a different area about the different gardening aspects? What features does the other area have that make gardening different for them?

  3. Or how other areas of the world use gardening for surviving maybe?

  4. Girls, this looks great! I have been racking my brain to think of anything else we could add, but it seems like you have really covered the bases. The only support subject we might want to add could be under the Benefits, for the benefits on the environment and/or animals gardens provide to its surroundings. But we can discuss this further. I'm sure this will morph or change depending on what we realize we want to focus on or what age group we are addressing.

    1. Good point to bring in animals and what gardens do for surrounding environments. This can be connected to the roles of gardening around the world. That might be interesting?
